GPS Tracking Made Easy.

Smart TrackerZ was designed and built with a keep focus on providing a rich feature set, affordable devices, competitive pricing and excellent Customer Service

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Large Map

You can view a single vehicle or an entire fleet on one map. Each second during a trip, SmartTrackerz records the vehicle's location. The app automatically updates every 10-seconds. Buckle-up!

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Tripped out, Cool Features 

SmartTrackerz unlocks access to an unlimited trip history with stunning detail. Trip details are just a tap away and with our 4Wire /relay model you can remotely immobilize the vehicle. Know you really can have, and know, it all!

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Better decisions while on the road.

We unlock access to real-time driving insights. With notifications for speed, acceleration, hard braking, idle time, and more; better decisions can be made while on the road. .

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